Assessing Gender Disparities in Time Allocation and Household Responsibilities in Armenia

Assessing Gender Disparities in Time Allocation and Household Responsibilities in Armenia

Date: 20220301 - 20220630
Status: Completed
Funder: World Bank
Impact area: Gender

The aim of this study is to։

(1) Conduct a phone survey to gather information on Time Allocation and Household Responsibilities of women and men in Armenia;

(2) Leverage the collected data to assess the impacts of household responsibilities and care needs and access on women’s economic opportunities, time-poverty and general well-being;

(3) Utilize analytical outputs from the survey to complement the analysis performed under the Engendered CEQ methodology in Armenia;

(4)  Conduct additional empirical analyses to identify areas for potential fiscal and policy interventions to promote gender equity, women’s economic opportunities, and overall inclusive growth in Armenia;

(5) Potentially utilize the collected data and analytical outputs in future research and technical assistance.


The main responsibilities of CRRC-Armenia are outlined below:

  • Sampling methodology;
  • Piloting and finalization of the Survey instruments;
  • Training of the Enumerators;
  • Data collection and quality controls;
  • Cleaning and processing of final dataset(s).