Fighting Misinformation with Civic Discourse in Armenia

Fighting Misinformation with Civic Discourse in Armenia

Date: 01-06-2021 - 15-06-2022
Status: Completed
Funder: NED
Impact area: Politics Culture and Values Democracy Society
Fighting Misinformation with Civic Discourse in Armenia


Specific Objective 1: To reveal the nationwide perceptions and concerns of the Armenian public regarding political and socio-economic developments particularly within the post-war environment through a new wave of the Caucasus Barometer survey.

Specific Objective 2: To explore and understand the differences in perceptions between Armenian journalists, academics, and general citizens regarding critical political and socio-economic issues facing the country with a focus
on misinformation within the media.


Component A (under SO #1) – Nationwide Caucasus Barometer (CB) survey in Armenia 2021:

  • Finalize CB source questionnaire for the respective wave – 2021, sampling and
    translation of the questionnaire;
  • Conduct questionnaire pre-test and finalize questionnaire;
  • Training of interviewers; fieldwork;
  • Clean data, finalize dataset and publish data on the Open Data Analysis (ODA) tool;
  • Host forum disseminating findings and discussing trends.

Component B (under SO #2) – Panel discussions with Armenian journalists,
researchers, and citizens, and dissemination:

  • Data Exhibition (DE); Panel Discussion (PD);
  • Broadcasting and Promoting the Findings of DE and PD;
  • Evaluation Report Development;
  • “Coffee with Data” pamphlet developed and disseminated dispersed.