Youth perceptions of peace and security in South Caucasus

Youth perceptions of peace and security in South Caucasus

Date: 01-11-2022 - 28-02-2023
Status: Ongoing
Funder: UNDP through CRRC-Georgia
Impact area: Security Peace
Project Description

The study provides insights into how young women and men (aged 18-29) experience their circumstances and act upon them, how they define and view issues of security, safety, violence, conflict, reconciliation, and peace, and what their views, aspirations, and priorities are for the future.

Specifically, the study covers issues such as young people’s:

– attitudes towards and experience of civic and political participation,

– perceptions of social capital, and political efficacy,

– democratic participation and institutional trust,

– attitudes towards peacebuilding processes and participation in peacebuilding,

– social interactions, tolerance/Intercultural and interreligious relations,

– conflict and security concerns,

– information on conflict regions,

– level of knowledge about neighboring countries, perception of the countries/people in the region, and of the region as a whole,

– demographic and migration data.

The study combines a quantitative survey among 1500 young citizens, as well as qualitative study with 3 focus group discussions.